
Tuesday 19 November 2013


This is Miss Crowthers friend Sarah. She and Sarah had a fight and Miss Crowther said meant things to her and hurt her. 
This is what happened to Sarah after Miss Crowther hurt her. Miss Crowther tried to fix her by saying sorry but that didn't work, she was hurt on inside. 
Hurting someone and then saying sorry will not fix them. Hurting someone effects them on the inside. 

Messages from Room 6 

We are learning what happens when you hit someone or hurt someone or be a bully. That you cant fix them by just saying sorry. How not being kind to others effects them on the inside. 
I like being kind to others because then they are kind back and that feels nice - Alaina 

We are learning that you should never hurt someones feelings because you never know how they feel inside - Anouska 

Today we had a lesson in kindness and how saying sorry doesn't always fix it - Raymond 

If you be mean to someone saying sorry doesn't fix their feelings. Try being nice to them - Jonathan 

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