
Sunday 24 November 2013

Week 7 Homework

The printer is not working today, here is your homework for this week:  

Homework Week 7
Design a piece of playground equipment using materials from around your house eg: popsicle sticks, lego, string. This will be used to make your groups final playground model.

My piece of equipment is..... 

Saturday 23 November 2013

Tuesday 19 November 2013


This is Miss Crowthers friend Sarah. She and Sarah had a fight and Miss Crowther said meant things to her and hurt her. 
This is what happened to Sarah after Miss Crowther hurt her. Miss Crowther tried to fix her by saying sorry but that didn't work, she was hurt on inside. 
Hurting someone and then saying sorry will not fix them. Hurting someone effects them on the inside. 

Messages from Room 6 

We are learning what happens when you hit someone or hurt someone or be a bully. That you cant fix them by just saying sorry. How not being kind to others effects them on the inside. 
I like being kind to others because then they are kind back and that feels nice - Alaina 

We are learning that you should never hurt someones feelings because you never know how they feel inside - Anouska 

Today we had a lesson in kindness and how saying sorry doesn't always fix it - Raymond 

If you be mean to someone saying sorry doesn't fix their feelings. Try being nice to them - Jonathan 

Thursday 14 November 2013

Saturday 9 November 2013

Dance off!

It was heaps of fun at the dance off on Friday. We got to show off all the new dance moves we learnt. 

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Parent Teacher Discussions

If you would like to book in a parent teacher interview they are on next week Monday and Wednesday. Follow this link to make your booking. 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Athletics Day Postponed

Hi Room 6, 

Athletics day has been canceled as the weather isn't looking good for tomorrow. Instead we will be going on Monday next week. 

Monday 4 November 2013

Playground Trip

Yesterday we had such a great time looking at playgrounds around Auckland. Here are a few pictures from the day. 

Wetland Park 

Cornwall Park

Fun on the bus

Tui Glen Park (My Favorite)

Saturday 2 November 2013

Week 4

Hi Room 6,

We have a big week ahead of us starting with the playground trip tomorrow. Make sure you come to school with closed shoes, a hat, lunch and a drink bottle. Don't forget to bring in your permission slip if you haven't already done so.

Next up is athletics day on Thursday which you will need running shoes, a hat, drink bottle, a packed lunch and don't forget to put on lots of sun block.

Finally we finish our busy week with the dance off on Friday starting at 6.30. Come in your best dance outfit ready to have lots of fun.

Phew lets have a great week :)

Friday 1 November 2013


Well done on such a fantastic performance in assembly. You guys looked awesome!