
Tuesday 16 April 2013

Picasso Portraits

This term for art we have created portraits inspired by Picasso's paintings. We have had loads of fun creating our pictures and using lots of different colours when painting them. 
Here are some of the pictures we were inspired by. These paintings were done by kids around our age, 

Here are some of our portraits in the making:

If you want to have a go at home, here is a fun website where you can create your own Picasso head:

Sunday 14 April 2013


Today in class we were learning about alliterations. This is when 2 words start with the same letter or the same sound. For example; Happy Hippos, Rich Reshmi, Jumping Jenna, Super Stars.

Can you think of an alliteration for your name? Leave your alliteration in the comment box below. 

Tuesday 9 April 2013


Here is a easy recipe for Fudge. We need Fudge to sell at the gala if you can could you please make some and send it to school on Friday. 
Thank you!  

2 cups sugar
25g butter
1/2 cup milk
1 tablespoon cocoa
1/8 teaspoon vanilla essence

1. Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan except vanilla essence.
2. Gently bring to a light boil and stir occasionally
3. After approx 20 minutes start testing the fudge by dropping a little into a glass of cold water. If it forms a soft ball then it is ready.
4. Remove from the heat, add vanilla and beat until thick. Pour into dish and leave to set. Cut once set with a knife heated under the hot tap.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Gala Day Helpers Needed!!

We need helpers at Arahoe's Gala Day on April 13th. Even if you can only help out for a few hours it would be greatly appreciated. Come in and let me know if you can help out!