
Wednesday 21 August 2013

When 2 Vowels Go Walking

Today in reading the Brown Bar-ba-loots learnt what happens when 2 vowels are next to each other in a word. "When 2 vowels are together the first vowel does the talking and the second vowel is quite". 


Well done to the two students who got certificates at today's syndicate assembly. Keep up the great work!! 

Tuesday 20 August 2013


Well done James for getting first place in your motor cross summer series awesome work!! 

Wednesday 14 August 2013


Room 13 is in need of some magazines for art. If you have any at home that you no longer need could you please bring them in to school. We need these for making collages. 
Thanks from Room 13 

Wonderful Writing

This week in writing the class was given a picture which they were to write an interesting description about a truck crash this is the picture we used to inspire us: 

Here are 3 fantastic examples; 
Can you spot all the similes?  

There was a big noise at the top of the hill boom! Bang! I saw a spinning truck pass like a twister, piking up things down the hill breaking and snapping fences. After it landed like a bird in its nest. People were running down to help the driver in the truck. Hot chocolate came melting out like ice cream. By Twinkle 

The Chocolate van was driving carefully on the road then boom! It spun past me. It hit the tree right next to me and i nearly hit me. There was smoke it nearly set on fire the chocolate nearly melted. The truck lay on its back like it was dead. The driver got out safely. By Ryan 

The car was speeding like a cheetah down the hill then it flipped over me like a bird. Then it went boom like a rock. It crashed in snowy trees like a lightening strike that you would only dream about. By Mark 

Monday 12 August 2013

Lights,Camera, Action!

This week is filming week. We are filming our scenes on location at Green Bay Beach tomorrow, weather permitting. We will be heading of first thing in the morning. So come to school early ready to change into your costumes. Can't wait to see you all in your gold mining costumes! 

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Monday 5 August 2013

Basic Facts

This week we will be coming home with some new basic facts these are based at our level and it is our goal to be able to answer all the questions on the sheet within a time frame. As we move up the questions get harder which is a great challenge! 
Happy Learning and let me know if you have any questions. 

Busy Week

We have a busy week this week with practicing for our production and doing the Ballistics challenge. Make sure that you remember to bring in your sponsorship forms by Wednesday. 

Also remember:

Gold-mining clothes
Food day Money
Green Bay permission slips and money


Thursday 1 August 2013


This week we have been hard at work learning a dance for our school production which is being filmed in week 3. Here are some pictures of us showing off our dancing skills!