
Thursday 28 March 2013


Yesterday we made some Easter egg holders for all of our Easter treats;

Have a great Easter break!! See you all on Wednesday! 


Yesterday we had a soccer lesson, we played lots of fun games and learnt how to dribble, run and dodge, tackle and how to control and balance the ball. The instructor said that Room 13 was the best at controlling the ball. Well done! 

Wednesday 27 March 2013


We have had a great first week of Skills4Life swimming. We are learning how to breathe properly and how to use correct arm strokes. 

Thursday 21 March 2013


Next week we are starting our Skills4Life swimming programme where we will be swimming every day until the 10th of April. 
So please remember to bring your togs to school every day so that we can make the most of this wonderful opportunity. I'm looking forward to seeing all your fantastic swimming over the next few weeks! 

Monday 18 March 2013


Today in maths we were looking at fractions and what the denominator is; which is the bottom part of the fraction. This tells you how many pieces there are in the whole fraction. I was very impressed at how quickly Room 13 caught on with learning their fractions. Keep up the fantastic work!!

Check out some of our fantastic fractions below:


This week in assembly the MASHers will be singing a song. Learn the words so that we can help them out!

Kia Kaha

Today we had a visit from Constable Carl, he came by to talk to us about bullying and the different ways people can bully us and what we can do to stop them. Like standing up for yourself or going to find a teacher. 
 We did some role plays on the different ways people could bully us and the ways that we could respond 

We then played a game of simon says and the lucky person who won got to choose a prize form Constable Carl. 

Remember its not okay to hurt someone and say sorry if you need to. 

Monday 11 March 2013

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Today in reading we were talking about 'Activating Prior Knowledge'. This is when we think about what we already know about the topic. We activated our prior knowledge reading the book, 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' here is the clip from the movie The Lion King that goes along with this book. Sing along! 

Green Day

This Friday is Green Day. Make sure you come to school dressed in green to celebrate St Patrick's day! 

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Library Visit

Yesterday afternoon we walked up to New Lynn library to meet the author Kyle Mewburn he told us some very funny stories about what it was like for him when he was at school and how he comes up with ideas for his stories. One of the books that he wrote only took him 3 hours to write!

Here is a clip of Kyle Mewburn reading one of his stories Kiss Kiss Yuck Yuck! Can you hear us all joining in? 

Pen Pals

Our letters from America came in the mail and we opened them today! It was so exciting learning all about our new friends from America. We are looking forward to writing them letters back.