
Thursday 20 December 2012

End of Year

Thank you Room 13 for such a fantastic year. I am going to miss you all, have a great holiday! 

Thursday 13 December 2012

Class Party

Yesterday we had out class party the day started with Secret Santa where we swapped gifts,

Then we gave out class awards which came with a candy cane yum!

Next we went for a swim,

Then we had our shared lunch there was so much yummy food to eat!

We ended the day with games and a movie. It was such a fun day!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Special Visitor

Yesterday we had a special visitor in class.... Baileys Dog!! His name is Rocco he is a Samoyed and is 2 years old. He is very fluffy, one of the girls in class made up a simile about him, "Rocco is as fluffy as a cloud'. 

Thanks for coming to visit us Rocco!! 

Monday 10 December 2012

Our Finished Kaleidoscopes

We have finished our Kaleidoscopes, the final touch was a mosaic design around the outside to decorate them. They are so much fun to look into and see all the different patterns. 

Sunday 9 December 2012

We Made Cookies

Last week with our buddy class we made Christmas cookies 

Thanks Room 4 for all the fun!