
Sunday 28 October 2012

Kaleidoscope Eyes

Today in Topic we went around the room and answered questions about kaleidoscopes and wrote down the things that we want to know about them. 
Here are a few of the things we want to learn about kaleidoscopes:
-Why are there mirrors inside of them?
-How can you make one?
-How do they work?
-Why did they choose the name 'kaleidoscope' for that toy?
Our teacher was very impressed with all the great questions that we came up with. 

Quote of the Week

Dr Seuss is one my favourite authors. Who is yours? 

Thursday 25 October 2012


This term in Writing we are learning how to write instructions. This week we made up instructions on how to cook pikelets and today we made them.
We followed the instructions that we wrote and the pikelets turned out great. Everyone really enjoyed them, they were so yummy.
What else could we write instructions for? 

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Just Remember!

Term 4 Topic

This Term our Topic is called 'Kaleidoscope Eyes' we are learning all about how our eyes work and we are making Kaleidoscopes, they are toys containing loose, coloured objects such as beads or pebbles. As the viewer looks into one end, light entering the other creates a colourful pattern due to the reflection off the mirrors. 

Here's a cool website that explains how our eyes work.