
Wednesday 18 December 2013


You guys are awesome. Thanks to everyone who brought in presents we ended up donating 4 large bags of presents to Monte Cecilia house!!! 

Gingerbread house

Yesterday we made a gingerbread house. It was loads of fun and it turned out so well!! 

Sunday 15 December 2013

Art today

Today we did some Christmas themed art check out the photos of our cool art work below 

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Christmas Donation

We have decided to spread the Christmas Cheer in Room 6 by collecting presents to donate to the Monte Cecilia House for families who can't afford presents for their children.
If you would like to donate could you please bring your present wrapped to Room 6, and have on the label boy or girl and the age range.
Thank you.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Week 9 Notices

Just a few notices for the final weeks of school: 
  • Library books are now due back. If you have not done so already please return your library book ASAP.
  • Please start returning your readers they are due back on the 11th. Which means this week their will be no readers going home. But make sure you still read at home! 
  • Their is a notice going home today about our class party please make sure you read it. 
  • Books and school work will be going home over the next few weeks please come to school with a plastic bag to carry everything home. 
  • We will be displaying our final playground designs next Tuesday in the hall. 

Sunday 1 December 2013


We will be swimming until the end of term on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the second block. Make sure you remember to bring your togs, a towel and goggles if you have them. Bring everything to school in a named bag. 

Sunday 24 November 2013

Week 7 Homework

The printer is not working today, here is your homework for this week:  

Homework Week 7
Design a piece of playground equipment using materials from around your house eg: popsicle sticks, lego, string. This will be used to make your groups final playground model.

My piece of equipment is.....